Assalamualaikum , Selamat Sejahtera and Hello everyone!
Today I'm going to talk about Jerawat.What is Jerawat?Jerawat is pimple; small inflamed spot on the skin in Malay (source : Kamus Dwibahasa Oxford Fajar Edisi Ketiga) . So , here , do you really know what is pimple or Acne or Zits actually is ? I don't untill I did some research just now . LOL
A pimple, zit or spot is a kind of acne, and one of the many results of excess oil getting trapped in the pores (Source : Wikipedia)
What is the difference between Pimple and Acne?
Acne is a disorder and inflammation of hair follicles and sebaceous glands while pimples are the lesions produced due to excessive production of sebum when sebaceous glands and hair follicles are inflamed and clogged. (Source : )Still confused?
Well , pimple contains pus(nanah) but if it's occur in large number it can be consider as acne . Acne also comes in variety of type . Yup , soooo many type of acne .
So , lately my face have so really small pimples and kindda big pimple on the nose =,= I think because of period . Anyway , I was so stressed about it so tried Clean & Clear active clear speed clearing gel
sorry for the blurry focus >.< |
It cost RM10 something . I bought at Watson . It is 10g . Nice tube and all but what I don't like about this product is , it does not work on me . It said that after 4 hours pimple will reduce but nothing happened to me . Like seriously . What I noticed is that my skin became dry around the pimple . =,=
Do you have any tips how to reduce pimple?Or any product that works?Do share!!
Love ,
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